General anxiety, separation anxiety, fear, social phobias, school refusal, obsessive compulsive disorders.
Typically functioning children with anxiety.
Process: Contact ‘Learn to Shine: Psychology for Children’ Parents complete ‘Client Information’ form and send to ‘Learn to Shine’.
Parents provide referral letters from G.P to obtain Medicare rebates.
Anxiety diagnosis:
1. Clinical interview with parent assessing all areas of possible pathology
- Intake questionnaire: anxiety-beh-soc-em
2. Structured interview/questionnaire to determine type of anxiety, e.g. generalised, social, separation, phobia, panic etc.
- See diagnostic criteria/checklists for each Anxiety-related disorder
3. Child interview (depending on age) or work with child – look for irrational thinking patterns and underlying anxiety symptomology
4. Obtain information from other informants, e.g. teaching staff
5. Measurement: SDQ, SCAS, DASS, IQ, WIAT, CONNERS (depending on clinical interview)
6. Follow up appointment – discuss diagnosis, underlying issues, intervention options (i.e., psychoeducation, CBT, play therapy, school staff liaison)